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  • 本科两年制课程
  • 健康科学学士学位- 2个方向
    • 诊断心脏超声(DCS) -超声心动图
    • 诊断医学超声检查(DMS) -一般超声检查
  • 第一学期和第二学期的校内课程 
  • 现场临床第三、四、五学期
Students in DMS Lab

The Allen College Diagnostic Sonography program provides students with the didactic and clinical training necessary to become professionals in the field of either diagnostic medical sonography or diagnostic cardiac sonography.  

General, or diagnostic, 超声包括腹部, gynecological, obstetrical, 特殊部位和血管成像.  Cardiac sonography is a specialized imaging modality focusing on the structure and function of the heart.  

Sonography is a specialized area of medical imaging and is an integral part of the health care team. Sonographers are highly trained professionals that manipulate sophisticated technical equipment that sends out high frequency sound waves into the human body to acquire images of internal structures.  The sonographic data and images provide the physicians with important diagnostic information regarding anatomical, physiological and/or pathological necessary to diagnose a variety of medical conditions and diseases.

The diagnostic medical sonographer provides patient services by using sonographic equipment to provide physicians with important diagnostic information. 

医院雇用超声技师, clinics, 全国各地的医生办公室和影像中心. 还需要适当合格的教育工作者、研究人员和管理人员.



Starting for fall 2025, applicants must complete Anatomy and Physiology I and II with lab components before being reviewed for admission consideration.

计划注册是有限的,并基于临床附属机构的可用性. 因为申请这个项目的人可能比提供的职位要多, completion of prerequisite classes and the BHS application does NOT guarantee admission into the DMS program.

Contact admissions@okhost.net 澳门线上博彩官网入学要求的问题.  


所需申请材料填妥后即可递交。 but all materials 必须在录取考虑之前收到吗.

完整的申请人文件将在申请结束后进行审查 11月1日优先. 优先日之后收到的申请将以滚动方式进行审查. 在申请完成后的3到4周内做出录取决定. 


General education prerequisite courses are taken at another regionally accredited institution and transferred to Allen College. 

申请可以在所有通识教育要求完成之前提交, 但如果被录取, 课程必须在8月份开始之前完成.

Anatomy & Physiology I and II with labs must be completed before the application can be reviewed for Sonography (DCS and DMS) program admission consideration.

DCS and DMS Curriculum


Each track is five semesters (22 months) of full-time course and clinical training designed to prepare students for entry-level positions in the field. 

During the first two semesters of the DMS program students will complete classroom and laboratory work on campus. 最后三个学期, program faculty will assign students to affiliated general ultrasound or echocardiography departments for clinical education practicums.

Coursework includes effective communication and patient skills combined with knowledge of physics, instrumentation, 人体解剖学、生理学和病理学. 所有的超声课程都是相互关联的, 在课程期间只提供一次,并且必须按顺序参加. 

一般的田径学生都会学习腹部动作, obstetrical, gynecology, 小部件和血管检查. 心脏轨道的学生将学习执行成人心脏和心脏专业检查. 

DCS Curriculum

DMS Curriculum


The mission of Allen College’s Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program is to provide an excellent educational program to individuals seeking careers in the sonography profession. The program is dedicated to providing educational opportunities and services for sonographers and the community.

Program Goals


在认知(知识)方面培养合格的初级超声技师。, psychomotor (skills) and affective (behavior) learning domains for the following concentrations that it offers:

  • 腹部sonography-extended 
  • 妇产科超声检查 
  • 成人心脏超声心动图浓度

Provide the medical community with individuals that have attained the knowledge and skills appropriate for an entry-level sonographer.

  • 促进有效沟通和人际交往技巧的发展.
  • 促进批判性思维和解决问题能力的发展.
  • Provide an environment that supports and promotes professional growth and a commitment to life-long learning and prepares sonography professionals who function as competent members of the health care team.

Clinical Practicums

临床经验是超声医师教育的重要组成部分. This time allows the student to integrate the knowledge acquired in the classroom and lab to the clinical environment and acquire the skills necessary to become a qualified sonographer and thus constitutes a large portion of the program curriculum. 学生将体验各种超声检查,设备,协议和病理.

学生将被项目教师分配到一个或多个临床设施. 临床设施的位置和距离各不相同. The clinical assignments may be located one to five hours or 300+ miles from the Allen College campus. Students are responsible for their own transportation and living accommodations during the clinical practicums. 可能需要搬迁到指定的临床地点.

Students can expect to be at clinical practicums during the weekdays; weekend hours are not available. 临床实习以每周40小时为基础.

Program Competencies

  • Demonstrate the technical and critical thinking skills required to perform as entry-level sonographers, 提供准确和熟练的超声检查和程序.
  • Obtain, review and integrate pertinent patient history and supporting clinical data to facilitate optimum diagnostic results. 
  • 执行适当的程序并记录解剖, 提供给口译医师的病理和/或生理数据. 
  • Exercise discretion and judgment in the performance of sonographic and/or other diagnostic services.
  • Demonstrate professional and ethical conduct when interacting and communicating with patients and their families, physicians, 其他卫生保健专业人员和公众.
  • Provide patient education related to medical ultrasound and promote principles of good health. 

Allen College graduates are encouraged to take a national registry exam administered by one of several organizations. Graduates may be eligible to apply to the 美国医学超声诊断登记 (ARDMS) to sit for the certification exam. In most states, a national exam in sonography is voluntary but obtaining this credential does enhance employment opportunities and may be required by some facilities for employment. 具体国家注册考试的先决条件资格因组织而异.

The Allen College Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) (www.caahep.org) upon the recommendation of the Joint Review Committee on Education in Diagnostic Medical Sonography. 

CAAHEP联系电话:727-210-2350或 mail@caahep.org. 他们的办公室位于113街9355号. N, #7709塞米诺尔,FL 33775.

JRC-DMS联系电话:443-973-3251或 mail@jrcdms.org. 他们的办公室位于6021大学大道,套房500,埃利科特市,马里兰州21043.